Last Wednesday (10 September 08) I was shortlisted as one of the candidate to be interviewed for Skim Latihan Tenaga Pengajar Politeknik (SLTP), KPTM. Alhamdulillah, this is my second attempt applying the scholarship. Last time I was not selected.
Therefore I made some preparation the day before. This is not a playing matter. I assumed that the interview questions will be more on teaching field because it is KPTM scholarship. So that night I try to memorize all the important names that related to the teaching industry. Just ask me who is the person-Education Minister, Minister of Higher Education, Director of Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Politeknik....all are ready. Then I made some preparation on notes as the teaching aid. By the way all the candidates have to perform "micro teaching" session during the interview.
Jeng...jeng...jeng... the day of judgement. I arrived a little bit late from the actual time. To me I didn't fulfill the criteria to be a lecturer at that time. As I arrived at the 'quarantine room', other candidates are all ready. I went to the registration counter to tick my attendence. Another suprise-my name is put at the top of the list. Means that I am the first candidate for that morning session.
"MOHD FIRDAUS BIN ISMAIL, Bilik Panel B", Chris (the KPTM officer) say it loud. Actually at that moment I was tying my necktie. What happened to me at that day?? I replied the call, took my documents and certificate files and put my jacket on. Bismillah, I walk confidently to the room.

"Assalamualaikum WBT, may I come in". "Yes you may. Take a seat, rilex yourself", the panel told me. There is only one panel in the room. After she is ready with some writing on the paper, she startes to asked.
First question : Tell me about yourself.
Me : (Simple question). My name is bla..bla..bla.. I was born in bla..bla..bla..........
Second question : Can you explain about integrity.
Me : (Integrity?? I've heard about this word before) Ok, integrity is the process of integrating all races in Malaysia to be one nation:Malaysian nation.
Interviewer : Can you differentiate between integration and integrity. It bring different mean.
Me : (Oh no, I answered it wrong. After some moment of thinking..). Oh, sorry. I misunderstood your question. Actually integrity is about our personel behaviour when working or given a responsibility. Don't take bribe, fulfill the working time....
Interviewer : That is the right answer.
Me : (fuhh...)
The Q&A session going for about 45 minutes including the 'micro teaching' session. I can concluded that I perform well in the interview. All the question are answered confidently. As I arrived at the 'quarantine room', other candidates start to asked about the interview.
So now I am waiting for the result whether I got the scolarship or not. If I got the scholarship means that I've already tuning my career into teaching field. I don't mind to be in any working field. As for myself I have to prepared so that I am fitted in any condition and situation. May this blessed month of Ramadhan bring a lot of barakah to those who believed.
insyaAllah kalau ada rezki dapat la tu.
anyway from my seeing, u r enuf talented to be in part of teaching field.
sampai tersedak saya dengar pujian ni. Terima kasih. Sekurang-kurangnya ada individu yang menjadi cermin kepada saya.
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