When you're reading this post, I am in the middle of preparing my laboratory report. It is my habit to do my work with my windows open but tonight I can't do so. It is raining outside with strong wind blown. So cold.....

Since last Friday (19 sept) my routine become ordinary than usual. On the friday night I was called to become the 'Bilal Tarawih' at Tun Fatimah Residential College. The next day, I attend Baktisiswa Sekolah Menengah Agama Parit Raja programme for the whole day. The same night, once again my expertise as 'Bilal Tarawih' is needed this time at Masjid Jamek UTHM (maybe his is the best experience ever).
Just after the tarawih prayer, I accompanied Ustaz Aziz to Rumah Anak-Anak Yatim Kluang. He was called to conduct motivation session @ slot muhasabah there. The session is a success-what is the indicator?? I can say all of them including the fasilitator(Master students from FPT) are crying.
About 1 am I arrived at the main campus. My programme didn't finish yet. A day before I've planned with a few member to perform qiamullail at the mosque. The Ramadahan month entered the last phase. Remember the theme I set for this Ramadhan? "Bulan Untuk Berubah". As I arrived most of them were already slept. Only Bunyamin and Shafiq are working at the kitchen preparing food for sahur. I change my cloth, take wudhu, open up my sleeping bag and after reciting a few doa's........ZzZzZzZ
Ramadhan Awalnya RAHMAT, pertengahannya KEAMPUNAN dan akhirnya KELEPASAN DARI API NERAKA.
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