Salam pertemuan...

Ia datang lagi

Monday, 22 December 2008
Salju Ketenangan
Posted by
11:23 am
Friday, 14 November 2008
Salam Peperiksaan,

At-Tahrem (The Banning)
9:18 Hanyalah yang memakmurkan mesjid-mesjid Allah ialah orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari kemudian, serta tetap mendirikan salat, menunaikan zakat dan tidak takut (kepada siapa pun) selain kepada Allah, maka merekalah orang-orang yang diharapkan termasuk golongan orang-orang yang mendapat petunjuk.
At-Tauba (The Repentance)
Posted by
8:25 am
Thursday, 6 November 2008
3 November 2008
Posted by
2:33 am
Friday, 31 October 2008
Aku dan Makhluk Itu II

Oleh itu perubahan perlu bermula dari asas iaitu perubahan PERANGAI (baca ATTITUDE). Ingat lagi tema Ramadhan tahun ni. MASA UNTUK PERUBAHAN. UBAH PERANGAI ANDA BERMULA SAAT INI. Entri ini akan berakhir di sini tetapi PERUBAHAN tidak begitu. Aku mahu anda yang membaca entri ini berubah dan terus berubah.
Posted by
11:10 am
Monday, 20 October 2008
Aku Dan Makhluk Itu
Banyak peristiwa menarik berlaku semenjak seminggu yang lalu tanpa sempat untuk aku berkongsi.Kesesakan talian (mungkin) di Kolej Kediaman menyukarkan untuk aku melayari internet.Seharusnya catatan pengalaman ini dapat dikongsi lebih awal iaitu sehari selepas kejadian berlaku.
Hari : Jumaat
Tarikh : 17 Oktober 2008
Masa : 2.30 pagi
Percubaan untuk aku membaca berita atas talian akhirnya berjaya. Aku mencuba sejak dari pukul 12 tengah malam. Tidak pasti mengapa talian internet pada malam ini begitu sukar untuk dicapai. Dari satu tajuk berita hingga ke tajuk yang lain aku sudahkan. Setelah 'khatam' bahagian berita, tangan mula menari-nari menggerakkan 'si tikus' ke sana dan ke mari. Dari satu blog ke satu blog aku lawati. Ternyata blog-blog yang menjadi kegemaran aku dikemaskini dari semasa ke semasa.Santapan minda di awal pagi yang cukup menyeronokkan.
Tiba satu ketika......
Bekalan elektrik terputus.
komputer riba yang bergantung kepada kuasa bateri masih menyala. Kedengaran suara 'makhluk-makhluk' penghuni bersahut-sahutan. Jeritan disambut bersambung-sambung. "Pagi-pagi buta pun nak buat bising," aku mengeluh. Aku memahami perasaan mereka. Mengapa tidak, malam minggu sebegini aku yakin kebanyakan 'makhluk-makhluk' di sini masih belum tidur kerana tangan mereka masih belum penat menyepak bola. Tangan menyepak bola???? Fikirkan.
Kepanasan mula dirasa. Tingkap dikuak bagi membenarkan udara segar masuk ke ruang.
Bunyi loceng yang aku biasa dengar. Masa sekolah dulu memang dah lali telinga mendengar. Tapi loceng di pagi hari sebegini menandakan apa?
Keadaan yang sudah sedia tidak aman ditambah dengan jeritan ini. "Api..api.." (baca dengan intonasi dan penghayatan yang betul).
Pintu bilik diketuk dengan kuat. Aku masih rasional ketika itu. Sempat berfikir "takkan la bekalan baru terputus lepas tu bunyi loceng sekarang pula isyarat kecemsan, macam tak logik". Walaupun sudah dapat meneka apa yang sedang berlaku, aku cuba untuk menkadikan lakonan ini seperti sebenar. Sebelum aku mengejutkan rakan-rakan sebilik, aku tutup komputer riba, simpan di dalam almari, kunci almari, tukar seluar dan mengambil telefon bimbit dan kunci bilik. Tak sampai seminit pun.
"Woi bangun, kebakaran" aku menyergah rakan-rakan. Mereka terpinga-pinga kehairanan tetapi mengerti maksud yang cuba aku sampaikan. Berlari-lari kami berempat menuruni anak tangga. Kelihatannya 'makhluk-makhluk' lain juga sudah berkumpul.
Posted by
9:26 am
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
2)Isnin (20 Oktober 08)-Ujian 2 Rekabentuk Struktur Keluli dan Kayu
4)Jumaat (24 Oktober 08)-Ujian 2 Kejuruteraan Jalanraya
Posted by
3:01 pm
Saturday, 11 October 2008
What the......???
MELAKA: Artis Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, menerima anugerah Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka (DMSM) yang membawa gelaran Datuk

Posted by
10:10 am
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Rasanya belum terlambat untuk mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA EID FITRI kepada semua pengunjung setia blog ini. Walaupun suasana kemeriahan raya tidak dapat dirasai dalam jangka masa yang panjang bersama keluarga namun ia sangat bermakna. Lagipun rumah terbuka masih berlangsung di mana-mana. Ada peluang untuk menziarah teman-teman sebelah selatan pulak.
Konsep Raya
Ramadhan dilupakan
Posted by
2:10 pm
Friday, 26 September 2008
All gone
Posted by
6:40 pm
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Aku berjaya..

AWAL???? Kalau orang lain hari Isnin lagi dah nak balik, kenapa aku nak lambat. Mesti ada antara pembaca yang tertanya-tanya. Sesungguhnya bukan aku tak nak pulang awal ke pangkuan keluarga tercinta tetapi aku tidak suka LARI DARI TANGGUNGJAWAB. Ya, ada lagi tugasan dan beberapa perkara penting yang perlu aku selesaikan sebelum pulang bercuti. Aku tidak mahu kepulangan nanti menjadi penyebab timbulnya isu berbangkit di masa akan datang. Biar TANGGUGJAWAB ini selesai sebelum aku tenang menyambut kedatangan Syawal 1429 h.
Posted by
5:35 pm
Monday, 22 September 2008
About 1 am I arrived at the main campus. My programme didn't finish yet. A day before I've planned with a few member to perform qiamullail at the mosque. The Ramadahan month entered the last phase. Remember the theme I set for this Ramadhan? "Bulan Untuk Berubah". As I arrived most of them were already slept. Only Bunyamin and Shafiq are working at the kitchen preparing food for sahur. I change my cloth, take wudhu, open up my sleeping bag and after reciting a few doa's........ZzZzZzZ
Ramadhan Awalnya RAHMAT, pertengahannya KEAMPUNAN dan akhirnya KELEPASAN DARI API NERAKA.
Posted by
12:41 am
Monday, 15 September 2008
Last Wednesday (10 September 08) I was shortlisted as one of the candidate to be interviewed for Skim Latihan Tenaga Pengajar Politeknik (SLTP), KPTM. Alhamdulillah, this is my second attempt applying the scholarship. Last time I was not selected.

Posted by
5:41 pm
Thursday, 4 September 2008

Sudah la. Yang berkata ni pun bukan sempurna sangat. Dalam keadaan tidak sempurna tetapi ada kesedaran untuk berubah daripada tak sedar diri tu tak sempurna dan tidak mahu berubah. Moto aku pada Ramadahan kali ini "Bulan Untuk Berubah".
Selamat Berpuasa!!
Posted by
5:50 pm
Friday, 22 August 2008
Kuasa Apabila Berkuasa

Soalan : adakah antara rakan-rakan di sini yang peka dengan berita dia atas? Secara jujur aku sangat kagum dengan keberanian rakan-rakan mahasiswa di kampus lain. Mereka berani menyuarakan suara hati mereka terhadap isu-isu yang secara langsung melibatkan mahasiswa. Inilah idea yang cuba aku lontarkan. KUASA APABILA BERKUASA.

Selamat Berkonvokesyen kepada rakan-rakan!!!
Posted by
1:55 am
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Posted by
11:05 pm
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Buat Untung
Namun pendapatan yang diperolehi menghilangkan segala kepenatan. Kalau pusat mencuci kenderaan ini diusahakan berterusan rasanya memang banyak keuntungan yang akan diperolehi tapi takkan nak abaikan pelajaran. Bagi aku ini adalah sebagai salah satu pengalaman yang boleh diadaptasi dalam kehidupan sebenar. Kalau bukan sekarang pun mungkin 2 atau 3 tahun nanti. Mana tahu ada diantara rakan-rakan akan menjadi usahawan dalam bidang ini setelah habis belajar nanti. Apa pun terima kasih dan syabas aku ucapkan kepada semua yang telah menjayakan projek ini. Rupa-rupanya seronok kerja mencuci kenderaan ni, pelbagai jenis kenderaan dapat aku "pandu uji". Nissan Frontier, Mercedes, Perdana, Waja-semua ada.
Tempoh projek ada tiga hari lagi. Gandakan usaha kita. Kalau untung besar kita akan buat majlis makan. Kalau untung kecil majlis minum je la..
Posted by
11:03 pm
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Exhaustfull Weekend
Suddenly in the thursday economic class, the lecturer annouced about another programme, once again-COMPULSARY for us. Five days of classess + 2 straight days of seminar which called "SureHIRED-UTHM" realy test my sober. But one thing about me, I'm not the type of person that like to make early judgement. Some of my friends had made a plan to not attend this programme. In their perception-boring but for me before I made a conclusion I have to feel it first. That what happened today. To me the seminar for the first day is quite nice. The speaker was excellent. He shared his experience as a interviewer and interviewee in order to help us to improve so that the same mistake is not repeating. 3 star to him. The only thing that I could not help myself is sleepiness. In the evening session I fall asleep for maybe half an hour. Sorry man, my body have the rights too.
Posted by
12:32 am
Friday, 18 July 2008
Posted by
12:25 am
Friday, 4 July 2008
Apabila kezaliman menjadi kelaziman

Posted by
10:08 am
Sunday, 29 June 2008
KOnsert Amal
Hati puas....
Semalam aku dapat bertemu dan bertegur sapa dengan 'Ustaz Rock'-Akill Hayy. Konsert amal yang menggabungkan Akill Hayy, kumpulan Hijjaz dan dikir barat Merpati Putih mendapat sambutan yang menggalakkan daripada warga Bandar Baru Bangi. Sudah lama aku merindui konsert sebegini.
Posted by
4:34 pm
Monday, 23 June 2008

Posted by
3:50 pm
Saturday, 31 May 2008
Dah hujung bulan

Posted by
10:12 am
Monday, 12 May 2008
I still remember some of the sentence in this poem. If I not mistaken, I won third place during the English week by reciting this poem. This poem motivates me at that time. I share it with you guys. Check the Poem and Short Stories book that used by the form 5 students.

Posted by
2:56 am
The experience for the past three days really teach me something. It is not easy task to be a fasilitator. Remember my previous post?-It's not easy to motivate others.
Second day was better. The students starting to give positive respond. I'm questioning them regarding their personal problems plus about their study. From the feedback I've shared my experince throughout my school years. I saw some progress in them. The sharing process was successful (I think).
This programme also made me realise that I've to learn more to be excellent fasilitator. I observed that other fasilitator are more creative and have extra credit in controlling the students. Hope that this experienced can broad my knowledge in motivating peoples.
To all the students - Saiful, Soon, Tan, Nurain, Umaimah, Sayfiqa, Nursayfiqa and Nuraishah. Siapa kami?
Posted by
1:12 am
Friday, 9 May 2008
Baktisiswa 08
It's in the mid semester holiday mood but I'm still in UTHM. Starting from today untill 11 May 2008, I will be one of the manpower of 'Baktisiswa Akademik' held in the campus. This programme's objective is to motivate school student's to improve their academic skills. Four schools will take part which are SK Tengku Mahmod 1, SK Sg Tongkang, SM Tun Hussein Onn and SM Sains Johor.
Posted by
11:47 am
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
One paper left
Posted by
2:52 pm
Friday, 25 April 2008
Awal pagi
Posted by
7:07 am

Posted by
1:44 am
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Changing the perspective
How do you like my new blog templates?Nice isn'it?
Therefore I have to make some configuration as the previous elements have been deleted. I need some time to do all again. By the way keep on visiting my blog and don't forget to leave some comments.
Posted by
5:41 pm
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Final exam is just around the corner
Posted by
2:29 am
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Saturday, 5 April 2008
Dengan izin

Posted by
11:11 pm
Thursday, 3 April 2008
and the winner is...
Personally I feel very proud even "Garden of paradise" did not win. Mr AAL statement that my blog is one of the best is enough. He admit the originality of my writing, the best sentence that I heard for this day.
I like to write, express my feeling and at the same time made people think. Writing plays important role to influence people. Good writing come from knowledge that been train by reading. As I mentioned before I enjoy reading Faisal Tehrani's books. Maybe some of his writing skills are copied by me in order to train myself to be a good writer.
At this moment, I'm reading his novel, 1511H(Kombat) which won the Hadiah Sastera Kumpulan Utusan 2003.(Kekasih Sam Po Bo and Bila Tuhan Berbicara still in the wrap). Still left another four chapter till the end.
Posted by
6:35 pm
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
After the presentation on 30 March at Pusat Ilmu, Mr Azmi said that on this Thursday he will announce the winner of the best blog. I wonder who will win it and at the same time I'm wondering what will I do with the money if I win?
RM 50....Hmmmm, quite a lot.
The best thing that came to my mind is to spend the money by buying something that can be shared by the whole class. Ice-cream@sweets@breakfast. Simple calculation-31 students + Mr AAL = 32. RM50/32=RM1.60. So everyone will get something that worth about RM1.60. What do you think Mr AAL? This is my promise IF you give me the money.
But most important, friendship can't be bought. It is priceless.
Posted by
5:26 pm
Saturday, 22 March 2008
For quite some time I'm not writing. Assignments, examination and university prorammes made me busy. That's how student's life should be. Have you ever heard about the name Faisal Tehrani? Who bother to know. He is not a politician, not an actor nor an athlete. But he is one of my favourite author in novel and short stories genres. He have wrote many novels and win a lot of awards locally and internationally. His writings is not focusing on some issues like other writers. People may think about love stories when we say about Ahadiat Akasha or Ramlee Awang Mursyid-thriller genres. Faisal Tehrani has some virtual and forward thinking when he write. He also managed to recreate current issues that happened around us into a nice stories.
Posted by
12:55 am
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
How to fail exam
One of my favourite blogspot is the isuhangat blogspot. It combines all types of articles ; jokes, advices, current news, critics and other. This time I found some funny pictures that I'm sure can made you laugh. Hope this thing not happened to 3 BFC students, if so they must have seen this.
Posted by
11:47 pm
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Fantastic weekend

Posted by
11:40 pm
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Shocking News
by Mat Wayar 2008-02-20 11:05:41

In the launching ceremony at one of the famous hotel here, the lead researcher said that this robots will be the powerfull armour if this country is attacked by enemy. "They will lead the army at the frontlines" he added. The cost involved to build all the autobot so called team are up 400 million.
See more picture at :
Posted by
12:16 am
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Sabar jelah..
Like usual, my test yasterday didn't going well as I imagine. Eventhough all the lecture notes I have been gone through but then all the important point are erased from my memory. After a moment of depression I think that is normal, this will be the part of the memory as an university student.
Posted by
3:25 am
Monday, 4 February 2008
Meaningful Song...

And then I know my soul must Fly!
They said: Each soul has its Given Date,
When it must leave its body's core,
And meet with its Eternal Fate.
Who knows? Tomorrow could be your Day,
And forced to pay a Priceless Fee
Some shall rejoice, while others burn,
Decide which now, do not delay ....
Posted by
7:19 pm
Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Tazkirah : Al-Alaq (The Clot)
اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ
96:1 Proclaim! (or read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created-
خَلَقَ الْإِنسَانَ مِنْ عَلَق
96:2 Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood:
اقْرَأْ وَرَبُّكَ الْأَكْرَمُ
96:3 Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful,-
الَّذِي عَلَّمَ بِالْقَلَمِ
96:4 He Who taught (the use of) the pen,-
عَلَّمَ الْإِنسَانَ مَا لَمْ يَعْلَمْ
96:5 Taught man that which he knew not.